As opposed to functionalism, which sees consensus as the basis for society, Marxists believe that societys main features are conflict and coercion. However, Marxist and Feminist analysis of crime demonstrates that not all criminals are punished equally and thus crime and punishment benefit the powerful for than the powerless. It stresses only on the nuclear family and ignores other family structures. As with all theories, we will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Marxist theory of crime. For each theory I will share how they each explain why crime might occur, while also sharing their . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The functionalist view on crime explains the existence of crime as being the result of the structure of society (rather than as a result of individuals themselves). These crimes are also less likely to show up in official statistics. Instead of asking why deviants commit crime, Hirschi chose to ask why they don't. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. Marxists overemphasise the importance of class inequalities at the expense of the social identity markers that can also have oppressive impacts (such as gender or ethnicity). Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. In short, many wealthy people like politicians, celebrities, and businesspeople were storing their money in offshore accounts. Subcultures refer to subgroups of local cultures; in a more critical perspective, they refer to symbolic representations of social contradictions and offer a symbolic eschewing of the established order." A criminogenic society is one where crime is inevitable due to its nature. This cognition can so be used to accomplish advancement to a better society. It strengths are seen in the way in which it explains the basic needs and function of society, these explanations can be used by other sociologists to improve and maintain an adequate society. It also claims that deviance serves a beneficial function to society as a whole. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. Because of the value thats attached to financial gain, breaking the law can be seen as a justified (or even logical) means to a profitable end, where even non-utilitarian crimes can be rationalised as the result of frustrations caused by capitalist pressures. Strengths include its basic explanation of needs and functions of society, while is weaknesses are that it doesnt acknowledge exploitation and inequality within society. Parsons identifies three similarities; System, System Needs and Functions. Fig. Conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. Therefore, people turn away from legitimate means of achieving material success and take up crime as a way to achieve it. It is not controversial to state that crime is present in nearly every society. Posted in . It seeks to explain crime by looking at the nature of society, rather than at individuals. In order to understand various sociological theories about crime, it helps to start by learning the four main theories about social deviance. But by examining its key strengths and weaknesses, we will be able to decide whether it is best for society or not. The obsessive striving for material gains pressurises people into doing whatever it takes to achieve this goal, even if it means breaking the law. Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin (1961) argued that Merton and Cohen both had significant shortcomings in their theories. Capitalism provides the context in which women can be exploited by men within the market. Police brutality may be explained from the perspective of Durkheims functionalism as follows: Social integration: people come together to condemn the deviant acts committed by the police. This theory of Karl Marx views sports as being built on the foundations of economic power. Strengths The theory is largely positive about most things in society, whereas some other sociological perspectives are quick to criticise, functionalists take a consensus approach (in society everyone is working towards the common good). In effect, the courts and the media are broadcasting the boundaries of acceptable behaviour, warning others not to breach the walls of the law (and therefore society). are worker associations, formed to protect workers' rights in particular trades or professions. The notes which follow will therefore focus on: functionalism, marxism, interactionism, and postmodernism. Specifically, Merton and Cohen failed to explain why there were so many different types of delinquent subcultures (like those which focused on theft, as opposed to those who turned to violence). old people not going out due to fear of street crime. Created by: Emily Created on: 01-04-13 21:47 Sociology Crime and deviance A2/A-level AQA Sign up to Comment Strength and weakness of functionalism theory: [Essay Example], 433 words GradesFixer. The majority of the residents value this quality in me and seek me out when a difficult decision needs to be made. Laws they are enforced more strictly among the poor. Assumes that all members of society strive for the same forms of success. He pointed out that crime is inevitable in all societies, and that the crime rate was in fact higher in more advanced, industrial societies. Let's now take a look at the advantages of each functionalist theory of crime. Status frustration theory was pioneered by. Functionalist Theories of Crime 2. For example, laws that protect trade unions are much more loosely implemented than the laws which govern property ownership rights. A strength of the functionalist theory is that it a macro level structural theory which uses an organic analogy- using the body as a way to describe the different parts within society. It explains why certain demographics may be more likely to commit a crime, accounting for aspects like motivation. In sociology, functionalism is a consensus structuralist theory. According to mile Durkheim (1964), a limited amount of crime is inevitable. We call their formulation opportunity structures theory. This can look like working hard, getting a promotion, and becoming successful in the 'traditional' way. 1) One strength is its ideological appeal (Greenberg, n.d.). The theory encourages us to consider how we can reduce criminality by strengthening social bonds. - Tends to be deterministic. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. Durkheim suggested that the function of punishment was not to remove crime from society altogether, because society needed crime. . Taylor, Walton and Young (1973) suggested a seven-part model for the theory of radical criminology: Locating the act of deviance in the wider context of capitalism. 1. However, would it be too far to suggest that society itself causes crime? A strength of the functionalist theory is that it a macro level structural theory which uses an organic analogy- using the body as a way to describe the different parts within society. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. Albert Cohen (1955) built on Merton's Strain theory, with his theory of status frustration. What are the three type of subcultures identified by Cloward and Ohlin (1961)? The immediate social context in which the deviant act was committed. On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of the functionalist theory of crime that we need to be aware of. Some crimes are so harmful, they are simply always dysfunctional. Several theorists have put forward explanations for why this is the case. Let's take a look at how the Marxist perspective on crime has been taken up and extended by other scholars and branches of sociology. (Ferris, Kerry, and Jill Stein . Unlike functionalist theory, conflict theory is better at explaining social change, and weaker at explaining social stability. All parts exist to enable it to work as a whole. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. are much more loosely implemented than the laws which govern property ownership rights. They advocated for a 'fully social theory of deviance'. Weaknesses: 1) However, a reanalysis of self-reported delinquency data from the Richmond Youth Survey indicates that social control theory has only limited explanatory power (Greenberg, n.d.). Functionalism is regarded as a big-scale approach to society. Corporate crimes tend to be more leniently dealt with (if theyre ever prosecuted at all), while financial crimes committed by the poor are almost always pursued by law enforcement. Radical criminology takes on both micro and macro evaluations, emphasising the importance of studying the state-level management of the criminogenic capitalist society and lower-level interactions between, for example, the police and deviants. Bongers key position was that a capitalist society brings out selfishness, or egoism in people. Weaknesses of labelling theory. He argued that the vision of success in American culture is attached to material and financial gain, achieved through legitimate means like skill-building and formal qualifications. Functionalism, as one of the key perspectives in sociology, allows us to reconsider whether the structures of society are working for everyone. Secondly, its absolutely vital that you evaluate knowledge rather than regurgitate it and these notes are intended to help you do that by focusing on the strengths or weaknesses of key perspectives. Deviant subcultures are formed by people who dont agree with the norms and values of the broader community. Which explanations does the functionalist perspective on crime and deviance tend to disregard? Highlights crime committed by marginalised communities at the expense of realising that some crimes, like white-collar crime, rely on the existence of social bonds. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. Social Construction of Health and Illness, Representation of Social Class In The Media, Distribution of Wealth, Poverty, and Income in the UK, Theoretical Approaches to Welfare Providers, We will explore the Marxist perspective on. Strength and weakness of functionalism theory is quite a rare and popular topic for writing an essay, but it certainly is in our database. Marxist feminists believe that the cause of crime is to exploit and oppress this demographic. What are the key limitations of Durkheims functionalist theory of crime and deviance? Marxists might criticise Hirschis social bonds theory for victim-blaming, arguing that working-class criminals are simply victims of circumstance. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. Get your custom essay on. This means they see human behaviour being shaped as an influence of social forces. The prevalence of crime and deviance is explained by Marxists as being the result of the very nature of capitalism, the key feature of which is the maximisation of profit through private ownership over the means of production. Strain theory Why do people engage in crime according to strain theory? There aren't many studies to back up the Marxist claim that corporate crimes are much more harmful than working-class crimes. Deviance occurs through social pressures. Structural theories in sociology take a top-down approach by examining the workings of society in terms of the institutional relationships which shape human behaviour. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Functionalist View on Society Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the functionalist view on society. Aside from the laws that appear to protect the working class, Snider (1993) also said there is a significant lack of laws regulating ruling class activities. The societal response to the deviant act. ii). Will you pass the quiz? In this section, youll find the main theories within the functionalist view on crime or functionalist criminology. Marxists argue that the law is designed to benefit the bourgeoisie (ruling capitalist class), as law enforcement agencies reflect and protect its interests. Marxism is a conflict structuralist theory in sociology, pioneered by, is at the core of all societies. By far one of the greatest strengths of psychoanalysis is that it is a very comprehensive theory. Marxist Theories of Crime American Identity Ethnic Groups in America Gender Roles Race and Ethnicity Sex Education Sex and Sexuality Sexuality in America Beliefs in Society Age and Religion Contemporary Religion Economic Development and Religion Ethnicity and Religion Sociology Fundamentalism Gender and Religion Ideology New Age Movements The major weakness of Marxism is that it does not seem to work in the real world. What is a neo-Marxist critique of the traditional Marxist view on crime? Cohen accepted Mertons explanation that the generally valued forms of success are impossible for many groups to attain. Why do people commit crime, according to Merton? This attack is argued to be a failing. Learn how your comment data is processed. Postmodernists argue society is so diverse, there is no such thing as normal. Functionalism is a theory about the nature of mental states. Structural functional theory is a broad perspective in sociology and anthropology which sets out to interpret society as a structure with interrelated parts. Strengths and weaknesses Some strengths of IPT include: a focus on relationships, communication skills, and life situations rather than viewing mental health issues as Developing a list of the functional skills you possess and most enjoy using can help you focus on majors and jobs that would fit your talents and provide satisfaction. Each theory identifies social structures as the root of deviant behaviour and explains responses to these structures as serving a function to either broader society or communities of subculture. William Chambliss (1976) stated that these property ownership laws were first set up by the state so that wealth would stay in the family among the ruling classes. He theorises that crime is necessary and even functional but fails to distinguish between different types of crime. - Implies that without labelling, deviance wouldn't exist. Durkheim, Merton and Cohens theories all fall under the branch of structural functionalism. Because of the individualistic focus of capitalism, the social bonds that tie people together are weakened and members of society are then subjected to acting out of pure self-interest. This discussion and review critically evaluates the theoretical approaches used in a client centered humanistic therapeutic or related approach of treatment . This is a modernist theory. Parsons claims inorder for society to work, all individuals must be taught/socialised to accept non-deviant values, and to abide by rules/the law. The strength of the functionalist theory is that it a macro level structural theory which uses an organic analogy- using the body as a way to describe the different parts within society. Status frustration theory explains the prevalence of non-utilitarian crime - crime that is committed without the goal of material gain. Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. Cohen's status frustration theory explains male delinquency as a response to societys marginalisation of them. Something that I consider to be both a strength and a weakness in my social work career is my gentle and reassuring manner. While this isn't inherently illegal, many were doing it for illegal reasons, like dodging taxes. Which types of crime are explained by status frustration theory that Durkheims and Mertons theories do not explain? Durkheim went a step further and argued that a certain amount of crime was functional for society. Economic determinism refers to the idea that societys most significant relationships are those which are based on economic factors (such as a relationship between an employer and an employee). Social control is implemented by the bourgeoisie (ruling class) upon the proletariat (working class), based on the premise of economic determinism. However, it does not explain non-utilitarian crimes. A strength of the functionalism theory is socialisation and how social order is achieved through it. Check out our handy table below. A few theorists in functionalist criminology use the concept of 'subcultures' to explain the prevalence of crime. Conformity: following the normative means of achieving success regardless of structural setbacks. There is a shared sense of anger towards the breach of morals that the criminal has committed. These parts, which include agencies of socialisation such as the family, work, law, education, religion (and many more) all need to function properly for society to run smoothly. " Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Functionalist Approach to Society ". So, overall, I see this as a balanced argument. Movements such as the Hippie movement prove otherwise, Both Merton and Durkheim are too deterministic in saying people are controlled by society, as other sociologists argue we all have free-will. Besides highlighting its inevitability, Durkheim said that this limited amount of crime is also beneficial for the creation of a healthy society due to the positive functions that it serves for society as a whole. Cloward & Ohlin's opportunity structures theory. In order for changes to occur, yesterdays deviance becomes todays norm. Selective enforcement refers to the disproportionate prosecution of working-class criminals. Its reasonable to be confused about what feminist sociologists have to say about Marxist theories of crime. Many criticise functionalism by arguing that simply pointing out the potential functions of crime doesnt necessarily explain why it happens in the first place. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. As you're aware, the theory has some clear strengths and weaknesses: ' The idea that sociologists can both demonstrate and explain how and why different individuals with different positions in the social structure are What explains the existence of crime, according to the Marxist perspective? Its important to note that Bonger didnt believe egoism to be directly responsible for creating the criminal. Through a set of norms and roles accompanied by the existence of a shared culture which is shaped due to the members of a society, social order is therefore achieved. There are two main thinkers usually associated with the Functionalist Perspective on Crime: Emile Durkheim and Robert Merton. Kurs mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen Freunden und auf... Approaches used in a client centered humanistic therapeutic or related approach of treatment humanistic therapeutic or related of... Or egoism in people there are n't many studies to back up the theory! 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