The Bruce Wayne ending for Episode 5 of Batman The Telltale Series. In this gritty and violent new story from the award-winning creators of The Walking Dead - A Telltale Games Series, you'll make discoveries that will shatter Bruce Wayne's world, and the already fragile stability of a corrupt Gotham City. Despite its lack of real relevance in terms of actual gameplay, this choice, which fittingly came right at the end of the last season, is the one that frames what The Enemy Within is asking: will you continue to lean into Batmans propagation of a police state and surveillance network in Gotham, or will you use your wealth and power to try and invest in the welfare of the people of the city? . Batman Telltale Series: 5 Things The Story Does Better Than The Arkham Games (& 5 Ways Arkham Games Are Better), Telltale: Gives A Fresh Take On Familiar Characters, Somehow, they manage to make The Joker, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Bane, Hugo Strange, Ra's al Ghul, and more, all vital parts of the series at one point or another, In contrast, Telltale includes fewer antagonists per game, and the likes of Mr. Additionally, some of the Arkham games involve side missions that allow secondary villains to get their own story as they're being tracked down by Batman. You can either choose to join the conference as Bruce, or go in as Batman. Harley tells Bruce that John is still malleable multiple times over the episodes and in a way, this season is really about which of the two of them John will end up being more influenced by. He refuses to take part in any of his brother's businesses and left Gotham for a number of years. December 2016. Episode two of a five part episodic game series. Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within: Episode 2 opens where the last episode left off. Personally I hope he proves to be more interested in Bruce Wayne as I find their relationship really interesting. Bruce Wayne in the Batcave . 2. Nothing anybody says can convince me otherwise. You can see that by the fouth position Batman has moved a couple of feet, and he moved this distance in the time that took the bullet to get out of the screen (you will notice that the screen remains fairly static. Freeze are not as important as their Arkham counterparts. Vigilante Joker has learned to be kind and to protect people from the corruption of the systems hes seen exploiting and harming him and those around him, and he wants to do something about it. If, on the other hand, John becomes the Villain version of Joker, his obsession with Batman, whether he shows up outside Arkham or not, demonstrates the inevitability of the violent and dangerous cycle that the Batman persona enables rather than fixes. Instant attack results in Alfred losing his eye, which is seen in the short cut-scene at the end of the mission. These containers looked to be at least 20 feet, and even empty 20-foot containers weigh 5,071 pounds or 2.5 tons, and I doubt that this one was empty, so it was probably more like three tons. Maybe displays of negligence at Arkham could be downplayed or not ouwardly expressed, while the police can be seen with better equipment or something along those lines. Either way, his name becomes Joker, but his intent is clearly different depending on which direction youve pushed him in. Telltale releases a new patch for Batman: The Telltale Series PC in the hopes of improving performance, but some players are still reporting issues with lag, framerates and more.. Like if there's a stronger police force it'd be cool to see them with better equipment and armor. then turning Gotham into a police state but being around for a longer period of time. Freeze are not as important as their, Both franchises have a dark tone for their stories, which fits the Batman character, out with light-hearted conversations with friends, His fear toxin makes Batman see the reanimated corpses of his parents talking to him, also it makes him re-experience the night his parents died, and even witness a feral version of himself eating a rat, which is all a lot darker than giving John Doe relationship advice in, Telltale: Features A Compelling Alliance Between Gordon And Batman, The usual story of James Gordon not trusting Batman to, , after their rocky start, the relationship between the duo is no longer that interesting in the, manages to keep Batman and Gordon's alliance fascinating by making The Dark Knight have to, pick sides between Jim or his rival Amanda Waller, who's threatening to reveal Batman's secret identity, Additionally, Gordon's attempts to arrest Bruce Wayne (who he doesn't know is Batman) adds another wrinkle to their compelling relationship, Telltale's Batman games include some strong twists, but they don't quite match the, the revelation that Clayface is posing as The Joker in, , such as the fake one having no skeleton when viewed in detective mode (an, of clay) or the fact that Clayface Joker actually calls you Batman and not Bats or some other nickname like the real Clown Prince likes to do, he hints are perfect as they are the sort that most people only notice when they've already discovered the truth, Telltale: Provides A More Interesting Batman, Arkham: Gives A Definitive End For Batman, Telltale: Batman's Relationship With Catwoman, Arkham: Batman's Relationship With The Joker, is amazing, yet it still doesn't quite live up to the duo's relationship in the, Their conflict is a vital part of the narrative throughout, they meet in, ), and even in death the Sinister Clown still manages to torment the mind of The World's Greatest Detective in, Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Ways Telltale Games' Story Is Better Than The Movies (& 5 Why It's Worse), Batman: 10 Storylines The Arkham Series Could Adapt In The Rumored Next Game, Batman: 10 Rumors About Rocksteady's Next (Arkham?) At the beginning of "The Pact", Waller mentions her leverage over Bruce to his surprise. Art is the best way to reach me outside of youtube :) After not being able to stop Thomas Wayne's descent into darkness, he attempts to keep Bruce virtuous. As Bruce Wayne I can try to be an okay guy with the Joker so he can see me in a positive light, and as Batman I can be his enemy and try to exploit whatever opportunities I can. . Episode 2: Children of Arkham. Children of Arkham picks up where Real of Shadows left off and offers an experience just as enjoyable. With the batclaw Bruce lifts a car up several stories in a short time frame, this is a feat that puts Batman solidly on Cap's level of strength, if not slightly above, as Cap has actually struggled greatly to support the weight of a car. This game loves to play with the dichotomy between Bruce and Batman, letting you decide who will take the lead in any given situation. By the way, normally I am very cautious with scaling, due to two equally-matched warriors might actually have different strikes powers and durabilities, and could lead to iffy dodgy scaling. . Episode 5 Bruce Ending for Batman The Telltale Series. But what Bruce found out in his last encounter with Falcone is that his father might have been one of the three in the power force that shaped and controlled the city of Gotham. Ragdoll Falcone across the room with just one hand, Cracked the concrete pillar by smack a thug against it, Bent and ripped off a thick metal door clean off, Kicking Lady Arkham through a thick stone pillar, Tanked a point blank blast (same blast created multiple floor holes in the above gif), Survived been toss into a steel-beam reinforced thick cinder-block wall and been crush under it, Strength/durability showing - against enhanced Bane, Skill/durability showing - against Lady Arkham, Endurance - vs Joker, AFTER got blew up, fell through multiple levels of GCPD building then impaled on a metal bar just hour ago, MCU Cap and Bucky vs Telltale Batman and Lady Arkham. Computer Hacking. Next Episode 1 - The Enigma Important choices Prev Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within Game Guide Attend as Batman - Join the conference as Batman; Attend as Bruce - Join the conference as Bruce; The choice results in a different cut-scene. Taking Waller's side too many times leads to Gordon losing faith in the vigilante. . Now, Telltale certainly wasnt saying eat the rich or anything to that degree, in fact, they sort of give him the Elon Musk tech savior treatment. Additionally, Gordon's attempts to arrest Bruce Wayne (who he doesn't know is Batman) adds another wrinkle to their compelling relationship. Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham. Throughout his life, he has been fighting against crime after the deaths of his parents by Joe Chill and after he was adopted by Alfred Pennyworth. Those are all great feats, but Arkham Batman can certainly compare to, if not exceed those. But this second season reveals so much more on the texts actual position on Batman: he is part of the problem. And keep in mind that this is several years after Arkham Origins, and because of his mutation Croc has been getting progressively stronger. The Dark Knight. When superhero franchises take focus away from the hero and put it onto the people portraying them, it tends to be quite dull. Y/n Wayne. I remember Arkham Bat has dodged a RPG (or rocket?) The story . Batman not only tanked that fall you seen in the gif, but also tanked another one at point blank, right to the gut, and got back up couple seconds right after. . Unlike the combat heavy action Batman: Arkham video games, Batman: The Telltale Series involves simple input movements and . And Batman has stacked up against even stronger opponents, such as Bane: Using his whole entire body, and employing every single muscle Batman breaks Bane's grip. Game. With one arm he overpowered Bane and threw him hundreds of feet and then clean through a thick concrete roof, and Bane showed no sign of slowing down. We're pitting the Batman Arkham video game series against the Batman Telltale series. Now obviously Batman isn't as strong as Bane, or even that close, as he had to use his whole body just to overpower Bane's hands. I mean, Harvey and Bruce's proposal was just that: a . For me it was Bruce being the real face. Stop Two-Face . Other than those fights, TT bat has also fought an enhanced Riddler, fought a young lean and mean Penguin, a rage-filled Two-face and wrecked plenty of foddlers. and also done plenty of aim-dodging aim-blocking in the games, but does he have any clear-cut amazing speed feats? A strange patient at Arkham Asylum, who befriends Bruce after he saves his life from some inmates who want revenge for Thomas Wayne putting them there. Arkham would become one of the largest parts in the Children of Arkham's plans, particularly against Bruce Wayne/Batman. For many years the Arkham games were the best Batman games on the market by a distance. Yeah it will definitely be an exciting fight, based on what we seen so far, I do feel both Batmen are pretty close in strikes/attacks, maybe with slight edge to Telltale's durability, but Arkham Bat got the advantage of better fullbody movement speed. Batman: The Enemy Within, the sequel season to Telltale's Batman, follows Bruce Wayne/The Caped Crusader as he navigates a new set of challenges, and the ramifications of choices he made in the previous season. Telltale Batman Episode 5 Ending. Those are very impressive feats to be sure. The last important choice takes place during the final chapter of the game. If you want to keep Alfred whole, show your real face. Bear in mind, Bat did not use Bane's momentum to boost the throw, as you can see in the gif, he stopped Bane's charge first, his hand then moved from pushing back Bane's chest up to around his neck, and ragdolled him against the large containment unit, it is all Batman's doing. Honestly, I'd say that they're about dead even, with neither holding a significant advantage over the other. @finalkingthanos: I don't recall if the mech suit had electric protection or not. Perhaps they could use this in some form to make small nods towards a better police force/asylum? This also lines up nicely with Batman showing roughly equal to even borderline superior strength to Croc, who's an undeniable multi-tonner. The key sticking point is that he cant handle helping. If you've chosen Batman, the madman will attack Commissioner Gordon. Then the game shows that criminals still fear The Dark Knight, as his figure terrifies some potential muggers, thus the city is still protected even though he's gone. In this season, John has been released from Arkham, and like many. A second season, titled Batman: The Enemy Within, was released in 2017. Figure 6.4 A dynamic camera is used in Batman: Arkham Knight (2015), by Rocksteady Studios, during fight sequences to give players a tactical long-shot during battle (a), and a visceral close-up (b) for enemy takedowns. if he's as interested in the Batman as he is Bruce. Danny's phone dings the telltale sound of Sam, Tuck and his private (and thoroughly encrypted) notification sound . BUT regardless of whether you agree with my speculation, for all we know it could be just a very poorly done CGI scene and that is all. Whether their relationship is romantic or not is up to the player, but either way, they team up to try to take down the Children of Arkham and then later the Pact. If we give and take a bit from either and it is pretty much on par anyway lol. The game kicks off with Batman thwarting a heist by Falcone's thugs, and then meeting Catwoman for the first time, which escalates into a thrilling hand-to-hand duel on a . So since their durability is so similar, I feel it is justified to scale Bruce to this other feat of hers - where she tanked got kicking through a thick stone pillar and got back up moments after and carried on fighting - and believe Batman can also tank such attack. I kind of have a more intermediate thought on that, along with viewing the Bat mask as more or less a symbol, holding a different meaning for different characters. Bruce Wayne's loyal butler and friend Alfred Pennyworth has one of the most important arcs in Telltale's Batman games. Seriously, Telltale Batman games are so underappreciated lol. You can either choose to join the conference as Bruce, or go in as Batman. Huge decisions will forever change the Batman and the lives of those around him, as he meets the Children of Arkham. Composite Telltale Batman run a gauntlet of. Despite this, when everything is said and done, youre still allowed to extend friendship and kindness to John, and his ending where you affirm your friendship has Bruce showing up at his cell in Arkham to visit. Some are even hoping that the Telltale Batman Series 3 will enable players to play her character in the game. However, Telltale then released a more narrative-focused Dark Knight game that was so popular it got a sequel. Whereas everyone in the Arkham games tends to act like any Batman fan would expect. The second option will let you put all the blame on Alfred. The choice is yours: you can either call her a simple thief, or tell her that there is more to her than her appearances. @limitless82: Fair point on the wall being old but then again Batman did take a similar attack from Bane through a stronger wall: Good point about Bruce getting crushed by the concrete falling on him, though once agian Arkham Bruce does have a similar feat when a ton of concrete debris falls on him from quite a large height, he was still conscious for around a minute after this until he gets KO'd by Talia: I completely forgot about the concussion staff, those two final feats have made me reconsider and I think Telltale Bruce is probably more durable given that feat. By the looks of this Batman's speed is pretty damn good, I don't really think that this is just gameplay mechanics because the player doesn't really have to do anything while this happens, It's just the game. This all comes ahead in the series climactic scene as the butler gives Bruce a choice between giving up Batman or losing Alfred forever. #1 Edited By Limitless82. However, what happens if a new villain arrives and starts killing everyone in Gotham? Telltale has delivered a much stronger episode in its fledgling Batman series. Because Telltale Bat is a legit and argubly casual bullet timer. After dealing with Falcone, Batman is starting to be accepted as a symbol of good by the citizens of Gotham, and based on his approach in the matter, by the police as well. A game like this could revisit moments in Batman's life . . anymore, not Bruce. Telltale Batman Episode 5 Go as Batman vs Go as Bruce ending choices difference check. When she flirts with Bruce, John doesnt see it as her doing anything upsetting, he instead turns his ire towards his best friend. Hes even willing to betray Harley for Bruce, if you play your cards right. 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